+48 22 586 97 90
ul. Prosta 51, 00-383 Warszawa

Dear sirs,

With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons and the processing and distribution of personal data, which thus repeals directive 95/46/WE, we wish to inform you of the rules for processing your personal data.

The Administrator of your personal data is Cream Legal F. Grzesiak i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa at ul. Wilcza 50/52, 00-679 Warszawa, recorded in the business register of the National Court Register [KRS] by the Regional Court for the City of Warsaw in Warsaw, Economy Branch 12 of the National Court Register under KRS: 0000755532, NIP: 5252768849, REGON: 381686887 (hereby referred to as the Administrator).

In all matters regarding the processing of your personal data please write to info@grzesiakpartners.pl, or correspondence address: Cream Legal F. Grzesiak i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa, ul. Wilcza 50/52, 00-679 Warszawa.


The Administrator processes personal data in order to fulfil and comply with contracts that the Administrator has signed (on the basis of Article 6 Clause 1.b of the GDPR), to fulfil the legal duties placed upon the Administrator including those resultant from taxation and accountancy practices (on the basis of Article 6 Clause 1.c of the GDPR), to pursue the Administrator’s legally justified interests that result from administrating a company, which includes maintaining business contacts as well as investigating and handling complaints to the Administrator (on the basis of Article 6 Clause 1.f of the GDPR).


On giving your expressed agreement to the processing of your personal data, such data will be processed only for the purposes specified within the written agreement (on the basis of Article 6 Clause 1.a of the GDPR). Your data will not be used for the purpose of profiling.

The transfer of personal data may be required due to legal obligations resulting from current statute or in order to fulfil the terms of a contract signed with the Administrator and these reasons determine how the data is processed. Expressing your agreement for the use of your personal data is entirely voluntary but the refusal to give such permission may result in you being unable to take advantage of the services offered by the Administrator.

Your data may be passed by the Administrator to a separate party in order to be processed, including to entities such as marketing agencies and IT service providers. Such parties may process the data only on the basis of a contract signed with the Administrator and only in the strictest accordance with the instructions of the Administrator. On limited occasions, your data may be made available to an outside party that is itself legally entitled to process data as an administrator. Such parties may include banks, insurers, and courier firms. Your data may also be shared with agencies that have a statutory right to its access. Such agencies include investigative bodies after they have made a request for information through appropriate legal channels (for example, to meet the needs of a criminal investigation). Your data may not be shared with unauthorised parties.

Your data will be held and may be processed up until the time of either the expiry or the termination of the contract that was signed with the Administrator, being the agreement that forms the legal basis on which your data may be processed. After this period has elapsed, personal data may still be processed in order to resolve disputes up until the time of legal limitations. In cases where information is collected for taxation and accountancy purposes, the data will be held by the Administrator for the period required by statute to retain such records.


If the Administrator has a justifiable reason to process your data in furtherance of his own interests, he can use the data in such a manner until the time you expressly forbid such usage. In cases where a separate agreement from you was required to start using your information, the Administrator may continue to process your data up until the time that you expressly rescind your permission.

You possess the right to access your data, you have the right to make corrections and the right to demand their removal. You also have the legal right to limit how your data is used, to object to your data being processed and to move your data elsewhere. You have the right to complain to the Chairperson of the Government Office for the Protection of Personal Data.




I hereby give my consent for my personal data to be processed including my full name, my email address and telephone number by Cream Legal F. Grzesiak i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa, ul. Wilcza 50/52, 00-679 Warszawa, recorded in the Central Records and Information Office on Economic Companies (CEIDG) maintained by the Ministry of the Economy, NIP: 5252768849 for the purpose of information sent pertaining to the questionnaire.